To be all-natural you do not have to live with hairy legs and armpits and never put on any makeup. You just need to make wiser choices. The drug store and the big department stores should be off of your list of places to pick up products for natural makeup or natural skincare products. This is doubly true if you want your products to be fully vegan as well. I purchase my makeup and skincare products from a boutique company located in Canada. They get all of their products from companies that are in Canada and who produce their products in ethical, eco-friendly ways using natural ingredients.
Yes, you have to be careful when you read words such as “natural” and “organic.” You need a definition of the terms directly from the companies that are using them. The boutique company that sells the natural makeup made in Canada lists all the companies on their website along with each company’s statement on how they produce their products. I will never buy another skincare or makeup product produced by your regular manufactures that source their raw ingredients from dubious places or outsource manufacturing to China.
The reason I have such an interest in accountability goes way beyond my concern for how we treat the environment. It has to do with this body that gets me around to every place I need to go. I want to treat it right and expose it to the lowest synthetic or risky chemical load as possible. Many of the things that are causing us to die young are accumulated on and in our bodies over a lifetime. The toxic load leads to diseases of all types as well as, I believe, shortened natural lifespans. I don’t care if it is your toothpaste or your mascara, you should be careful what products you allow to come in contact with or enter your body.